A defining moment for students is the entry into high school, which is part of a stage in which important decisions about the future are taken and the need for protagonism becomes even more essential. College entrance is approaching and adequate preparation is essential.


In its project for this cycle, the Brazilian International School is dedicated to continuing to promote the development of global education for its students. The institution focuses both on an appropriate orientation for career choice and on the development of their multiple skills, including socio-emotional ones.


Bilingual education remains a priority in high school, even influencing the organization of content and the certification guaranteed at the end of the 3rd grade of this stage. Investing in multidisciplinary learning, the Brazilian International School adopts a humanist education based on social interactionism, something clear in the proposal for this cycle.




As one of our main objectives is to give our students the opportunity to reach their true potential and, therefore, impact the world in the most positive way, the Brazilian International School presents its pedagogical proposal for High School.


This cycle offers, in addition to the Brazilian curriculum, an extended workload composed of subjects in the English language, offering high school students the right to two different diplomas: the standard Brazilian high school diploma and an American high school diploma. For this reason, this cycle is also called High School.


With the Brazilian completion certificate, students can apply for a place at any Brazilian university. The American diploma, on the other hand, makes room for the possible continuity of training abroad. This project reflects the contemporary need for training our students.


In pursuit of excellence in this endeavor, after careful deliberation, the BIS Board of Directors decided to become an official member of Cognia, formerly called Advanc-ED. It is a non-profit, non-governmental organization that accredits schools in the United States and internationally by demanding their high quality standards. Founded in 2006, Cognia is an international educational program and one of the largest communities of education professionals in the world.


Cognia certification provides reasons for top-tier educational institutions to continually improve. Through this accreditation, students must complete eight semesters of study from the 9th year onwards.


In high school, it is essential to bet on a program that allows entry into higher education. However, the training of students as citizens must not be lost sight of. The Brazilian International School maintains its role in this cycle, as in previous ones, in order to encourage critical thinking and an active posture in the chosen professional field.


Furthermore, it is equally important that intellectual values are exercised and experienced by all members of the school

community: logical curiosity, perseverance, respect, integrity, kindness, dreaming big, being bold, tenacious, and building

connections to expand and nurture all types of relationships.




One of the biggest challenges in High School is, without doubt, the preparation for the entrance exam. A demanding step in which the student must review everything that was learned throughout the school life, in addition to the skills and competences belonging to each new year.


Thinking about this moment, the Brazilian International School maintains a partnership with the Farias Brito System, leader in high performance results in university entrance exams in Brazil. This collaboration allows students access to exclusive preparatory material, focused on proofreading and intensive work.


Besides that, teachers, with vast experience in the ENEM tests and other exams, promote global development to each high school student. The objective is to obtain excellent results, acceptances, and also to continue the educational proposal of the school, focused on the evolution of a range of skills.


As the contents of the 10th year of High School begin to be worked on in the 9th year of Middle School, the entire cycle is “advanced”. This means that the 12th year can function almost like a pre-university entrance exam, allowing for a differentiated organization and, at the same time, the fulfillment of the entire planned program.


The performance of the pedagogical team is extremely important during this period, as it contributes to the growth and maturation of students through information and encouragement of self-knowledge. Students receive clarification on professional areas, resolve doubts and, thus, feel more prepared to decide on their future career.


One of the highlights of the preparation process are the simulated ones: SAT, ENEM, UNICAMP and FUVEST. Throughout the cycle, students take more than twenty tests of this type, opportunities in which they exercise knowledge, their time management skills and become familiar with the test models.


Through queries of questions, pedagogical monitoring, educational guidance and organized content, the institution guarantees a consistent preparation based on support for an assertive and informed choice.


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